Tim: So if we’re going to do our bit to persuade everybody to like Britain’s Eurovision track, we should probably spread around some of the electroswing claptrap.
Tom: I quite like that electroswing claptrap, if I’m honest.
Tim: This here comes with a fair dose of it, so have a listen. It’s quite something.
Tom: This really isn’t electroswing, Tim.
Tim: Alright, slight dose.
Tom: Just sampling a little bit of a string section really isn’t what it’s about — it’s more like “what if the 1920s had modern audio engineering”. This is just someone shouting “give me hope” over and over again.
Tim: True, I suppose. And with that shouting, this is sort of track I might often dismiss an a total racket, especially with the first of those two breakdowns (though it’s redeemed immediately afterwards by the opening notes of the theme to The One Show).
Tom: Do you still have that looped as your ringtone, by the way?
Tim: Oh, absolutely – and you’d be surprised how long forty seconds seems when it’s just a five second trumpet loop with a woman yelling OOONE over it. And speaking of short loops, despite that chorus just being one line, I somehow find it really, really good – fists pounding in the air good. And while that’s exactly what it’s designed to do – the simplicity is evidence of that – let’s face it, it does it really, really well.
Tom: Agreed. This is pretty full-on, and it works at that level.
Tim: And yeah, there’s that slight swingy sampling bit in there as well, so GO YOU who are Britain’s Eurovision entry and whose name I have forgotten. There was an Alex in there, I think?