Tim: We got sent this the other day; they’re two guys, Benjamin and Linus, chatting about how the video is a “colourful declaration of love to electronic pop” and how they’re using bright colours to “celebrate pop culture”, and that’s lovely and everything but there’s one main question: do you miss BWO?
Tom: I’d actually forgotten about BWO, which is unduly harsh, because they made some really good songs. The fact I can still remember a few of the tracks off Big Science more than a decade later is basically the biggest endorsement I can give them. So while I wouldn’t say I miss them, I certainly wouldn’t say no to tracks along those lines.
Tim: See, I do miss BWO, and this song brings us the lovely blend of 80s synths and modern sounding melodies – it’s that pre-chorus build that really drives home the similarity for me, although there are lots of other small bits in there as well, and it sounds absolutely wonderful for it.
Tom: There are some really good choices in here. I don’t think it’s quite as fun as BWO, but then it’s unfair to just compare them to another band. This stands well on its own.
Tim: Beyond that, there’s those lovely twinkly bits, and really just how everything fits together nicely. Sure, the pause before the chorus could maybe do with being a couple of beats shorter, but otherwise this is absolutely great. Love it.