Tim: This was one of the interval performances on Saturday’s Andra Chansen; I’ve no idea if it’s going to get a proper release, but it does seem a bit of a waste if not, particular with a number of people hoping it could be voted through to the final as well.
Tom: Oh, that’s excellent! Two great vocalists harmonising, some good black-and-white styling, and even a couple of gurning-into-the-steadicam shots. That’s a really good song, too.
Tim: Ola Salo, of course is best known as the lead singer of glam rock band (and former Eurovision representatives) The Ark; Peter is less well known, working as he mostly does with musical theatre, though he did compete in Melodifestivalen back in 2011. ANYWAY, I don’t know if it was just that this was a rock-oriented track coming after eight pure pop tracks in a row, but this sounded great.
Tom: It does sound great. That chorus! That astonishingly good middle eight! Trim it to three minutes, this could have been a really good Eurovision contender.
Tim: The glam rock stylings look fantastic as well, and that backing vocal line that comes in towards the end just bring it all in to create a perfect ending to a great track.