Polarsea – Don’t Let Me Go

“I don’t want to get all Mary Whitehouse here.”

Tim: Strong language ahead from this new Swede, but I hope you’ll agree it’s worth it.

Tom: I’m not sure it is. Why?

Tim: Well, I think it’s just great. Underlying melody, on point vocals and a decent beat underlying it (though I dread to think how many times I’ve written those four words about a song here).

Tom: All that’s true: although like many songs we talk about, it struggles to soar above the wastelands of “decent” and reach the… something… of “memorable”. Look, I’m tired, I’m not good at metaphors, OK?

Tim: I do find it weird when any standard pop song like this does throw in swearing, though – generally it’s happy and in an upbeat style, but then you’re brought right out of it with a “woah, where did that come from?”

Tom: Exactly! That’s why I don’t think it’s worth it.

Tim: Hmm – I don’t think it anywhere nears ruins it or anything, but I will say that while I don’t want to get all Mary Whitehouse here, would “I’m a goddamn ghost” be so bad? Other than that, though: top marks.