Tom: I am choosing to read this band name as a misspelling of ‘Rabbi’. Anyway, carry on.
Tim: Say the Swedish band of their new song, “Slow Dance is about the need to feel needed and loved. The hope that you wouldn’t need the cool parties, the right people, that you would loose your FOMO and we would have at least one moment together that was real and true. I lived that dream a thousand times in my head, but in reality, you’d leave me.” Bit upsetting, but a listen anyway.
Tim: And throughout the first verse I wasn’t remotely interested in it, as I found the vocal annoying and nothing else really around to distract from it.
Tom: For once, that first verse actually grabbed me! And I like the vocal quality. That first verse reminds me of… something, or someone, I’m not sure, but either way it had the correct combination of novelty and familiarity to perk my ears up.
Tim: That first heavy note at the pre-chorus piqued my interest, though, temporarily, and then when the chorus proper came around I was somewhat delighted.
Tom: Apart from that failing-to-lighting-a-gas-hob percussion, sure.
Tim: See, I played it again to hear that, and then I was going to point out that you’re being unfair, and that handclap sounds are hardly rare, and suddenly your comment stuck, and OH MY GOD YOU’VE RUINED TAYLOR SWIFT’S BLANK SPACE FOR ME and God you’re awful sometimes.
Tom: Blame our mutual friend Gary for that one, he said it to me a few years ago and it’s stuck ever since.
Tim: Well, thank you ever so mich for sharing it. Anyway, it is a sad song, with downbeat lyrics and hardly an uplifting melody.
Tom: It’s let down in the chorus, I think. I can’t remember it afterwards, and I don’t want to hear it again — that said, I’m not sure how you could fix it without changing the genre entirely. Or fixing the gas hob.
Tim: STOP IT. It’s a lovely melody, and serves as a perfect distraction from the still-a-tad-annoying vocal. So overall I like this quite a lot. Well, I did.