Tim: Denmark had a decent showing this year, with at least six of the ten finalists being songs I’d choose to listen to again; this here’s one of them. You’re a fan of military drumming, right?
Tom: It’s better than a kids’ choir.
Tom: I started singing the opening lines of “I Am The Walrus” over that introduction, so… that’s something, I guess?
Tim: Hmmm…something, yes. A quick note to start: in the end, Denmark chose a completely off-kilter ethnic folk rock sort of song, which in my reckoning will either come top 5 or completely bomb come Eurovision; as such, wondering whether or not this should have won is a bit of a non-starter.
Tom: Generic Dark But Uplifting Song that’s reminiscent of a lot of others — it’s a bit “Only Teardrops” in style. Which could well work, if it stands out enough from the crowd.
Tim: Having said that, I reckon this is very much worth a listen, as it’s got a heck of a chorus and she’s got a strong enough vocal to carry the verses despite just the minimal backing. In another year? Hmm…maybe would have qualified. This time, it just wasn’t to be.