Tom: This doesn’t sound like the Scissor Sisters.
Tim: Ooh, pretty colours.
Tom: I mean, it sounds like Jake Shears is singing, sure, but everything else has changed. They’ve been slowly edging in a new direction for a while, and this… well, with this they’ve just made a break for it.
Tim: I like it a lot. It’s a very different style — you can certainly hear the Calvin Harris production — and I think it’s a great track.
Tom: Which is a shame, because I loved how they used to sound. I try to keep an open mind about artists taking new styles, but when they’re as generic as this… it’s like they’ve stripped away almost everything that made them original. It’s Calvin Harris (who produced it) featuring the Scissor Sisters.
Tim: Hmm…you may have a point there. But still — actually, no, that’s a very good point. As a track, I like it, but we don’t really need another band joining in the multitude of acts there already are doing stuff like this.
Tom: There are some bands who’ve taken amazing new directions… but this isn’t one of them. It’s not bad. It’ll get airplay. But it ain’t the Scissor Sisters I know.