Tom: Oh my word, they’re still bloody going.
Tim: You’re surprised? Eight years isn’t a particularly long time for a band like this.
Tom: I just kind of assumed they’d slowly fallen into oblivion. Only they’ve not: they’ve got a greatest hits album, which is a bold move for a band that’s only had three actual albums. And, of course, the greatest album has an optimistically-placed new track on it.
But here’s a shock: it doesn’t have a plinky-plonky piano. Instead… it’s got a ukulele.
Tom: At least my normal criticism — that all their tracks sound the same — doesn’t apply here. It’s proper Radio 2 playlist material, this, though; if it got any more middle-of-the-road it’d hit the central reservation.
Tim: Nicely put; sometimes, though, middle of the road is alright, and I quite like this, in a pleasant and entirely inoffensive manner.
Tom: With one exception, of course: what is with the sudden bizarre electronic pitch-shift before the final chorus? It’s the one bit of the song that stands out to me, and I actually rather like it: I wonder what they could do when paired up with a producer that was less… well, generic?
Tim: Probably, and I sort of hate myself for saying this, come out with something that’s ‘relevant’ and likely to be Radio 1 playlisted. Still, this’ll do.