Saturday Flashback: Seal – Amazing


Tim: IDEA: we use music to prompt a discussion of current events.

Tom: Ooh, I got an idea! I’ve got this shark here. Shall I jump over it?


A couple of days ago some American university decided they wanted to stop a load of people having fun, and want to ban the word amazing. It seems we would both find this a bit annoying*, and so I present this 2009 track in response to them.

* MATHS tells me we’ve used the word amazing in a little over 13% of our posts. That’s quite a bit, isn’t it?

Tom: It’s a bit worrying, but not as worrying as the fact you bothered to work that out.

Tim: Here we have a track that celebrates the target of it being off drugs, but also makes sure the target is okay. I’ll be honest: I’ve never been a cokehead, so I don’t really know the difficulties involved, but I can imagine that being called ‘amazing’ by everyone, as the lyrics suggest, would make me feel much better than being called, say ‘really quite good, actually’ or ‘surprisingly healthy’.

Tom: “He doesn’t look too bad, you know, for someone who was out of his head last month.”

Tim: Indeed. And a song entitled ‘Very Satisfactory’ just wouldn’t sell. That would be a shame, because this is actually quite a good song. Despite the occasionally negative tones of the lyrics, the overall tone of the song is, well, amazing. Uplifting, powerful, all that malarkey, you’re AMAZING!

Tom: Excellent video as well – that’s how you do a “just stick him in front of a greenscreen, we’ll figure it out in post” video properly.

Tim: Also also, if we weren’t allowed to use that word, we wouldn’t have Inna’s track either, which would be a bit of a shame.


Tom: Get it out of your system.