Tim: Debut single from a Norwegian, and if you get bored you can stop listening after four minutes and you won’t miss anything.
Tom: Hmm. I wasn’t sure I was going to last four minutes.
Tim: In fact, much as I liked it on my first listen, there is a lot of filler there – the ‘Selina’ middle eight is twice as long as the ‘eight’ demands that it should be, and four times as long as I’d like it to be.
Tom: Yep. And who has a middle-eight that is just their own name, repeated?
Tim: I almost introduced this with the line “Tom, there’s part of this you’ll hate.” I’m glad I didn’t, but I’m also glad to know I was right.
But then the final choruses come back, and then, well, they don’t really do much either, and once we get back to repeating her name I’m really rather losing interest. Trim it down a bit, though, and this would be great – the lyrics are perfectly true, her voice is good, and the music underneath is pleasingly poppy.
Tom: True, but if it’s outstaying itself welcome at four minutes, that isn’t a good sign.
Tim: Just…yeah, trim it a bit.