Saturday Flashback: SIRPAUL – Going Down in La-La Land

A tad repetitive, but otherwise worthwhile.

Tim: I know nothing about this artist or track, except that it came from the same compilation album I mentioned last week.

Tom: That’s why we’ve got the readers, Tim: solid research. Oh, wait. Never mind.

Tim: As a track, it’s pretty good – a tad repetitive, but otherwise worthwhile. But what I really want to talk about is the lyrics. Because when I put this on at work, one of my colleagues asked if I knew what they meant, and I had to say, “Not a bloody clue.” So, naturally, a discussion evolved, and at the end of it, there were two main theories. The first was that it was a commentary on social mobility in Los Angeles and the surrounding area; the other (proposed by your truly) was that La-La Land is a club for grown-ups, and this is a song dedicated to fellatio. Any other theories?

Tom: My current working theory is that you’re wrong.

Tim: Hang on, wait a sec… OH. HA! I’M NOT! I’ve done some research, and it turns out that actually (genuinely) it’s a combination of both of those.

Tom: No. No, you’re kidding. There’s no way…

Tim: The song is from a 2011 film of the same name, where the protagonist is an aspiring actor, La-La Land does indeed refer to Los Angeles and Hollywood, and going down refers to what said protagonist is willing to do to get ahead (haha) in his career. So, well done me, sucks to be you.

Tom: Damn it, Tim.