Tim: You may remember STEELE from her previous single Follow, or at the very least the description that came with it, including amongst other wonders “a musical maze that’s full of emotion and passion”. That metaphor clearly worked for her, because here we have “a dark maze of large soundscapes and dreamy melodies”.
Tom: I’m not sure “maze” is a good metaphor for songs. After all, surely you don’t want to get stuck listening to it forever?
Tim: Well…
Tim: So here’s the thing: STEELE (capitals apparently obligatory) goes on to say that “at first it strikes you as this mystical song and you’re not quite sure where it will take you, but once the beat comes in it brings a smile to my face and makes me wanna dance”. The first half of that, absolutely – mystical, not a clue what’s happening.
Tom: And it’s a really successful introduction and first verse: it builds wonderfully, the production is interesting and novel in a good way.
Tim: Right. But then, smiling and dancing? Really, really not (and not just because I had to wait until the song’s halfway point before the beat came in).
Tom: Agreed. Perhaps I’ve just listened to too much EDM likely, but there was no moment where this actually kicked in. It was a slow, steady, constant build, and while that can work if it’s what the audience is expecting (for all I know, her fans might be expecting just that), I expected, at some point, there to be some sort of earthshattering kaboom. Or at least a drop.
Tim: Isn’t it weird? I picked that moment because there is a slight increase in energy there, but to be honest I felt like I had to check I was listening to the right track a couple of times. This is just, well, a tad depressing really, and very much doesn’t fit with the line “the energy and vibe that builds throughout is so uplifting and enchanting”. Is it just me that doesn’t get this?
Tom: It’s not just you. The end of it is just plain unpleasant.
Tim: Good – in that case I think we can confirm this is the most misguided PR piece we’ve ever received.