The Green Children – Outline

“It’s a curious song”

Tim: I might as well be direct here, Tom: I’m fairly sure you won’t like this as much as I do.

Tom: Right, good start here, then.

Tim: However, since it’s a Friday, push play, lean back, let your senses go and let this track wash over you. (And yes, it’s five minutes, but since a lot of music right now is limited to three minutes, we can spare the time.)

Tom: Huh. It starts well, certainly; I think I enjoyed all of it, although afterwards I’m not sure I remembered any of it either.

Tim: I had a very similar feeling. It’s a curious song – the structure’s all over the place, with its verse, chorus, similar-ish verse, chorus, then entirely unrelated second half; the lyrics are the sort of thing that no-one writes unless they’re on glue (“you’ve got to lift your head, untie your shoes, because they might not fit you”), and the video is, while indubitably pretty, clearly a case of “let’s do SPACEY STUFF because it’s MYSTICAL”.

Tom: Yeah, they even used the Vasquez Rocks as a backdrop in there.

Tim: On the other hand – it’s just lovely to listen to. Despite all the faults I’ve just listed, that is my overriding opinion. The vocal is gorgeous, especially in that “shine for me”. The production behind is also wonderful, being light and airy for the most part, but not being afraid to step up a bit when the vocal demands it.

Tom: I can’t fault it: I don’t think it’s something I’d choose to put on a playlist, but I certainly wouldn’t turn it off.

Tim: Even with the length, I’ve just pushed play for the fifth time, and after writing this I plan on immediately exploring their back catalogue.

Tom: That sounds like a euphemism.

Tim: I thought that as I wrote that, then “should I put a ‘hur hur’ or some such on the end, or take the high road?” Good to know we have differing opinions.