Tim: Well, this is nearly it for this year, but annoyingly there are some songs we never got round to writing about. I propose we spend this last week looking back at the best five tracks of what we missed. Sound good? Good. You go first.
Tom: “Last night, she said, oh baby don’t feel so down…”
This sounds like the Strokes. It also sounds really good.
Tim: Certainly does.
Tom: Okay, so it wasn’t quite as instantly memorable as some of the stuff of their past albums, but it’s a heck of a decent single.
They kept their old sound, and that’s not a bad thing. It’s exactly what I’d want a Strokes track to be: it makes me bob my head, it leaves me feeling vaguely happy, and it’s still got a drummer who’s addicted to cymbals.
Tim: Always fun. I like this too – a good track that just keeps going and going at a good heavy rate. Typical stuff, really.
Tom: Oh, and it stops really abruptl