The Ting Tings – Blacklight

“Today in ‘I remember them! Wait, they’re still going?'”

Tom: Today in “I remember them! Wait, they’re still going?”

Tom: I shouldn’t like this.

Tim: No. It’s bloody awful.

Tom: And, on a second and third listen, I almost certainly won’t. But I haven’t heard someone use those synths in a serious pop song in… well, probably since the Ting Tings brought their first album out, or maybe earlier.

Tim: Well, maybe, but…no. Just, no. There is one slightly redeeming part, which is that instrumental when the lyric video, if it can be called that, just plugs the album, and there’s some form of melody. But, regardless of the ingredients…really, no.

Tom: This feels like a 2000s track that’s somehow reappeared a decade later, and I think it’s…

Tim: Horrific, terrible, just plain noise?

Tom: …yeah, actually, you know what, I just tried to listen to it a second time and no, I don’t want to hear it again.

Tim: Correct.

The Ting Tings – Hang It Up

It’s Difficult Second Album time for the Ting Tings.

Tom: They’re a bit annoying, mostly shout rather than sing, and like banging a drum a lot. Nope, it’s not the Orange Order, it’s the Ting Tings. (That joke, incidentally, from the Never Mind The Buzzcocks reject pile.)

Also, I defy you not to think of Smells Like Teen Spirit for the first three notes of this.

Tom: It’s Difficult Second Album time for the Ting Tings, and given most people knows two songs at most off their first one – three if you count hearing ‘Great DJ’ in a dozen trailers and adverts – it’s going to be a tough sell.

Tim: Yeah… and for me, this song isn’t quite the expert salesman it may need for your average pop fan.

Tom: There’s not been much of an evolution from the first album; that’ll almost certainly be enough for their fans, but you can probably tell from the way I’m writing this that I’m not among them. Decent guitar riff, I suppose, and loud and enthusiastic enough to pass, but if I didn’t like ‘Shut Up And Let Me Go’ – and I didn’t – then this ain’t going to be for me.

Tim: Pretty much what I’d go with. Though to be honest, if their fans went out and bought their first album from their first single or two, based on this they’ll probably buy the second.