TRXD feat. Emilie Adams – Our City

“It’s a decent enough style, but I haven’t seen anyone yet turn it into a song that immediately makes me want to hit replay.”

Tim: Middle of winter, subzero temperatures all over the shop, but why should that stop three Norwegians going tropical?

Tom: Steel drums in the intro. Bold late-2015 style, there.

Tim: Brave indeed. I think your enjoyment of this will be massively determined by your liking, or otherwise, of those noise that we’ve focussed on these past couple of days but still don’t have a name for. I’m on board with them, and very much on board with this song.

Tom: I guess what we’ve learned is that… I’m not. It’s a decent enough style, but I haven’t seen anyone yet turn it into a song that immediately makes me want to hit replay.

Tim: There is an enormous amount of vocal fiddling, and indeed fiddling all over the pace, I doubt there’s a single note there that is actually as it would sound on a instrument – but I really like it. It’s slightly Galantis-y, and right now I can’t get enough of it.

Tom: But the trouble is: it’s not Galantis. For me, all the ingredients are there — it’s just that no-one’s found the right recipe yet.