Tim: Girl’s been binned off, her bloke starts dating someone who looks just like her, she writes a song about it. As you do.
Tom: I’m going to assume those two the same person, because it looks like a split-screen shot, and there’s no reason to frame it that way otherwise? I am literally unable to tell if those are different people. I am not good with faces.
Tim: Took me a while too, but yes – Kaksoisolento translates to “Lookalike”, and, yeah, the two don’t get on much.
Now, I get that the new and old aggressively facing off against each other; I’ll even buy the singing in each others’ faces. But a dance off, with each of them brining full choreographed backing? Come on, be realistic.
Tom: There’s someone who hasn’t seen enough dance movies. Come on, don’t I remember you being a High School Musical fan?
Tim: Oh well yes I will give you that – in fact, one of my favourite moments in the whole of music is in Can I Have This Dance (which is a WALTZ so added bonus points there), when Gabrielle sings in harmony with herself, and in comparison I suppose this is perfectly normal.
Apparently, the replacement is kinder but more boring, because an easy life isn’t satisfying. I don’t know if that’s true or not – personally, I’d rather not be dating someone who got all musical in my face every time she got a bit annoyed, but it takes all sorts, I suppose.
Tom: Anyway, the music. It seems to drift over me in much the same way as the video does.
Tim: Yes – I’m currently just thinking: quite nice. Standard pop fare, really, and I’m enjoying listening to it. So basically, I’m happy with it, as long as she doesn’t release an English version and I don’t need to force myself to ignore the lyrics. Deal?