Tim: Unlike yesterday, here’s a track that got me right from the very first note, so please, help yourself to a play button.
Tom: Oh boy, are we going to disagree on this one. What do you like about it?
Tim: Well, right from the off there’s the lovely euphoric-style underline, a gentle but fast-flowing piano line, a good vocal – so far, so top notch early 00s.
Tom: As with yesterday: I just don’t hear it. Maybe I’m burned out on music like this, but — apart from the promise of that build into the chorus — it just left me cold.
Tim: But then, a minute in, come those vocal twiddles that put me in mind of Galantis being good, and that elevates it even further.
Tom: Whereas that just irritated me! Galantis somehow manage to make it sound joyful, whereas (to me at least) this just sounds like someone noodling about on a synth with no particular direction. And then there’s the weird brass bit for some reason.
Tim: Oh, that brass cameos? Well, that’s just a great bonus, for me. There’s a lot to like here, and nothing I can find to dislike. Wonderful.