Tom: Is it anywhere near as good as “We No Speak Americano”?
Tim: Prediction: no.
Tom: No.
Tim: Good good – I love being right.
Tom: It starts badly. Then you get the rising synth in the background, and you think it might turn brilliant, and… it doesn’t. Then you’ve got the retro gramophone-type music coming out the back, another euphoric build… an extra bit on the end…
…and still nothing.
Tim: It’s sort of, let’s do roughly what we did when we had that successful track and hope it turns out good. And then let’s release it without bothering to check if it is good. Lets ignore the fact the four-bar-repeating-thing here is nowhere near as a catchy or vibrant as the four-bar-repeating-thing was last time – let’s just assume that people will buy this on the back of our other success.
Tom: This isn’t good dance. It isn’t good electroswing. It’s existing somewhere in the middle, trying to be both but managing neither.