Tim: We were prodded to review this by regular reader Roger; let’s do so.
Tom: Ooh, new Le Kid. This should be good.
Tim: A bit mellower than other tracks of theirs we’ve reviewed.
Tom: It is, isn’t it? Good luck to them with the video for this.
Tim: I can’t really imagine soapy sailors or giant liquorice allsorts going too well with this, but it’s but no means a bad, or even mediocre, track. Nice, gentle, poppy, mainstream – it’s not hands-down fantastic, though, and I can’t get excited about it like I did the rest, unfortunately.
Tom: It’s let down by that chorus hook; “in America, America”? It’s not singable like their other tracks.
I think it’s also because, after so much bubblegum, even something as bouncy as this still seems a bit downbeat.
Tim: Well, if you’re missing some of the over-exuberance of previous tracks, have a more dancey remix of Oh My God: here.