Tim: About eighteen months ago Le Kid brought out a track called Human Behaviour – I’ve no idea why we didn’t cover it, but anyway. Since then, they’ve been pushing themselves onto the German market, and this is a played around with and jumped up version of that song. Have a listen, why don’t you.
Tim: So, it’s The Offspring’s message wrapped up in lovely pop for the rest of us.
Tom: “It all just happens again, way down the line”?
Tim: You see this is why we tend to stick to Europop – I did of course mean the Bloodhound Gang, as also mentioned on Saturday. ANYWAY, what an interesting video – I can certainly understand why they went for humans dressed as animals rather than actual horses and reindeer and pigs and stuff, but it doesn’t half make for a slightly unsettling watch.
As ever, though, the music from these guys is really rather great.
Tom: Yep, although I do still expect something a bit more bubblegum from them — not that this isn’t sugary as it is.
Tim: For some reason, the song it puts me most in mind of is Little Mix’s DNA, and while it’s not quite as good as that, that song was bloody brilliant so I think that’s praise enough for this song.
Tom: Huh, really? I hear DNA as being a lot darker than this.
Tim: Oh, it absolutely is – this just seems to be what you’d get if you turned the happiness and sweetness up a little bit on that. It’s very enjoyable indeed, and right now I’m hoping that once they’re done with Germany they’ll have a go here. Because I would BUY EVERYTHING.
Tom: You know that we have the internet these days, right?
Tim: The…the what now?