Tim: Coco is formerly of Swedish group Love Generation; Andremo is, erm, not.
Tim: I started playing this, then got bored with it and moved on to doing other stuff.
Tom: You gave it two minutes? Apart from that chorus, it’s all a bit dull.
Tim: No, I got bored after twenty seconds. Two minutes later, though, I thought ooh, this is alright actually. Then I listened to it again and realised I got bored by the awful verse but enjoyed the sung chorus and music.
Tom: It sounds like something that should turn up in the middle of a Clubland compilation CD – you know, the kind of track that’s cheap to license and fills up the running time.
Tim: Something like that, yeah. So OVERALL: okay in the background, perfectly serviceable as a dance tune, but as I see it, nothing particularly great. Ooh, actually, I know what to say to finish this! It’s brilliant!
Tom: Uh-oh.
Tim: I’m going to say this: it certainly (really, it’s clever) wouldn’t TURN ME ON!!! (You see? HILARIOUS.)
Tom: Tim Jeffries, ladies and gentlemen. He’s here all week.