Beatrice Eli – The Conqueror

Sounds like it’s going to go somewhere.

Tim: Interesting, this one.

Tom: I’m not sure about ‘interesting’, really. When it kicks in, the chorus sounds like it’s going to go somewhere and then… it doesn’t.

Tim: To be honest, I don’t really know what to say about this. I think it’s great–well, pretty good, at least–but I’m not sure how to justify that. Do I need to?

Tom: Well, yes, you do really. Because to me, it’s a lovely voice wasted on a bit of a downbeat, dull tune.

Tim: I mean, the voice is a bit weird, the music’s nothing huge, and yet it fits together nicely. Umm, ethereal? Is that the right word? Sort of, I suppose. OH, I DON’T KNOW. But I like this.