Tim: Debut single from a Swedish singer, who has described it as an “off-centred synthballad” that is “both big and small and dark and sweet at the same time”.
Tom: What?
Tim: Yeah – sounds like a load of pretentious rubbish to me, but let’s have a listen anyway.
Tim: Hmm. I think that could be one of the hardest tracks to write about I’ve come across, actually.
Tom: Weirdly, I can see what those descriptions mean, now. It is a synth-ballad, it is indeed off-centre, and… well, it fits all that. I just can’t decide if it’s any good.
Tim: For a start, it seems instantly forgettable. That’s kind of a bad thing, but I think it’s due to the way the song fluctuates so much between various moods – an utterly downbeat verse, big charming chorus instrumentation but still with the same negative vocals, then added the sort of middle eight bit where the instruments more than cancel out the vocals and it all sort of merges together in a bit of a gloop, really.
Tom: I think I like it. It’s deep, and it’s moody. It’s the kind of music that gets you fired up, rather than dancing or happy. There’s not enough of that.
Tim: It was alright – I’d happily listen to it again, I know that much, but I don’t really know quite why, or what it is I liked about it.