Tim: Anything you want to say before we start this?
Tom: I’ll get my favourite Murs-describing phrase out of the way at the start of this particular post: “swaggering leprechaun cockery”.
Tim: And there it is.
Tom: In fact, I’d advise you not to watch the video. Because as with pretty much all of his singles, it’s a good song. Catchy, danceable, sticky enough to get into your head but not enough to become irritating. It’s really a lovely bit of pop music.
Tim: Agreed – I think it’s great.
Tom: The lyrics don’t actually make sense, do they? “You’ve got me dreaming of a life that anybody else would die for.” That’s the key line from the chorus. And it means… what?
Tim: Erm – maybe that while it’s a life most people really really really want, he only really really wants it and isn’t quite prepared to go to such extremes. That covers it, I think? But you’re right, it doesn’t make all that much sense, especially when he’s talking about how much he wants someone.
Tom: And then there’s the video, in which he makes a prat of himself in a public place and seems to look smug about it. Par for the course.
Tim: I don’t know – here I’m going to be a Murs apologist and say that I think you’re being too harsh.
Tom: That’s a change of direction for you. What’s brought this on?
Tim: After all, making a prat of yourself in a public place is (a) what I did recently, also involving an escalator
Tom: Heh. It was the way it gracefully delivered you to its exit point after you fell over that made me laugh.
Tim: … (b) par for the course with any song about how someone makes the singer crazy, not just Olly, and (c) it fits perfectly with the lyric “I’m going too fast, heart first, my head just can’t slow me down”. I like the video, especially his apparent look of amazement 26 seconds in at the fact that something as big as this shopping centre actually exists.
Tom: Have you been to that new one out near the Olympic Park? Seriously, it’s massive.
Tim: It is. Better not take Olly there, or his eyes might pop out.