Tom: It’s time for a gorgeous but incomprehensible video!
Tim: I think you’ll find, if you put some effort in, that it’s actually quite simple.
Basically, she was in a car crash with her boyfriend, who ended up dying, and then she sort of did as well because she’s bleeding but we’re not really sure, but probably didn’t because firstly she’s singing and all that and secondly and mostly you can see in the shots where the crash happens that there’s one person in their car (and not in the seat where’s her boyfriend’s then lying dead) and no-one at all in the van it crashes into, which must have made for some careful post-mortal repositioning but also incredibly careless driving – of all the vans on all the beaches in all the world, he crashes into the one that’s entirely deserted – except then it’s alright because he comes back, still with loads of blood on him.
So it’s entirely comprehensible, just like that sentence was.
Tom: Sorry, what? I zoned out for a second there. Anyway, “gorgeous but incomprehensible” pretty much sums up the song as well. I like it, don’t get me wrong, but I can’t even work out what the hell they’re sampling for that main melody line.
Tim: Are they sampling anything? Whether they are or not, that’s one of the loveliest post-choruses I’ve heard in a long time.
Tom: It’s weird: I find myself enjoying it almost on a detached, technical level: it’s well written and a really impressive bit of production, but there’s no actual emotional resonance in there for me at all.
Tim: I’ve told you before, Tom: you’re an emotionless void.