Saturday Flashback: St. Lucia – All Eyes On You

This is about a year old, and flipping brilliant.

Tim: This is about a year old, and flipping brilliant. And that’s all the intro you’ll need.

Tom: Well, that was a bit good. Is there a sudden trend for retro, 80s-style pop? Because I’m liking it.

Tim: Good. And while you’re still reeling from it, let me introduce St. Lucia. He started out in South Africa, moved to London for a bit before heading off to New York, where he now spends his time coming out with fantastic pieces of music like this. The thing about it is that it’s very very simple: there are a couple of tiny verses, but it’s mostly about the chorus, lengthy and fairly repetitive (especially once it’s been repeated twice without a break towards the end). But I love that repetition, because what a tune this is. I don’t know what it is – the rhythm, the notes, maybe both – but that chorus strikes me as almost perfect.

Tom: Perhaps it wasn’t quite that perfect for me, because I could have stood for a bit less repetition: but the middle eight saved it for me, and the last chorus paid off nicely.

Tim: The instrumentation beneath it is lovely as well – the closing part is wonderful, and while the sax break in the middle seems a bit out of place (at least if you’re not watching the video, where it seems oddly appropriate), when the piano hits (or when the camera pans back) you get a glorious thirty second build-up to the re-entry. However great the music is, though, it’s the chorus that gets me. It’s just brilliant.

Tom: You know, I don’t have much to add to that. It’s ace.