Example – Say Nothing

If this isn’t a corker, then something’s gone very wrong.

Tom: First single off the new album. Out shortly. If this isn’t a corker, then something’s gone very wrong.

Tom: Well, that will do nicely.

Tim: It’ll do…alright, yes.

Tom: Example’s always been a bit of a mystery to me: he’s an okay singer, he’s an okay rapper, but somehow the whole package works brilliantly. He just seems likeable, and the production on his tracks is so damned glossy and professional that I find them impossible to dislike. This is a man who knows how to make a pop record.

Tim: There, you’re not wrong. To be honest, there’s not a lot to say here – it’s a straight up pop-dance track that does everything just as it should, and doesn’t venture anywhere that it shouldn’t.

Tom: Should he be striving for more after four albums? Maybe: but if the fans like it, and he likes it, best of luck to him.

Tim: I can’t really add more than that: it hits all the right beats, it’s danceable, and it’s probably – and rightfully – going to be a big hit.

Tom: As for the post-apocalyptic entirely-blue video: while it’s very pretty, it does seem a bit low-budget and phoned-in.

Tim: I just like that he’s taking inspiration from Eiffel 65.

Tom: Shame, really, ‘cos the track’s brilliant.