Example – The Answer

“So far, so standard Example”

Tom: Today, in “artists you remember from a few years ago and are surprised they’re still going”: Example!

Tom: Great verses, although that’s admittedly partly because it sounds a bit like a couple of Chainsmokers tracks.

Tim: YES, that’s why it sounds good – I was thinking “yep, so far, so standard Example”, without realising it was Chainsmokers I was thinking of.

Tom: That first verse and build is a really promising opening to the track.

Tim: Hmm, in the sense that “something interesting could happen”, though I wouldn’t say ‘really’.

Tom: Shame about the chorus and middle eight, really.

Tim: Really really.

Example – Say Nothing

If this isn’t a corker, then something’s gone very wrong.

Tom: First single off the new album. Out shortly. If this isn’t a corker, then something’s gone very wrong.

Tom: Well, that will do nicely.

Tim: It’ll do…alright, yes.

Tom: Example’s always been a bit of a mystery to me: he’s an okay singer, he’s an okay rapper, but somehow the whole package works brilliantly. He just seems likeable, and the production on his tracks is so damned glossy and professional that I find them impossible to dislike. This is a man who knows how to make a pop record.

Tim: There, you’re not wrong. To be honest, there’s not a lot to say here – it’s a straight up pop-dance track that does everything just as it should, and doesn’t venture anywhere that it shouldn’t.

Tom: Should he be striving for more after four albums? Maybe: but if the fans like it, and he likes it, best of luck to him.

Tim: I can’t really add more than that: it hits all the right beats, it’s danceable, and it’s probably – and rightfully – going to be a big hit.

Tom: As for the post-apocalyptic entirely-blue video: while it’s very pretty, it does seem a bit low-budget and phoned-in.

Tim: I just like that he’s taking inspiration from Eiffel 65.

Tom: Shame, really, ‘cos the track’s brilliant.

Saturday Flashback: Example – Watch The Sun Come Up

Adds up to a good track.

Tim: His released-tomorrow Stay Awake is sort of alright and earlier-this-year’s Changed The Way You Kissed Me was pretty good, but as far as I’m concerned nothing of his beats this, from 2009.

Tim: The rolling piano, the rapping that’s more like speaking and more than bearable, the singing in the chorus, nice bit of fun with all the unexplained drawing in the video – all adds up to a good track.

Tom: I’m going to assume it’s in the same universe as A-Ha’s Take On Me.

Tim: Don’t really like the message of the song, though. It’s all ‘I wish I could have stayed with you, and I wish this wasn’t a one night stand’, but he never really gives a reason for his leaving aside from a flight, which he says he wanted to miss anyway, so we’re sort of left ‘Actually, I only ever do one night stands, and even though I don’t want to now it’s just who I am so tough.’

The length it took me to explain that means that in terms of word count this is an overwhelmingly negative review. It really shouldn’t be, because the song’s great.

Example – Changed The Way You Kiss Me

Not quite a Eurobeat track, but it’s close.

Tom: All right, Example, you’ve done good before. Let’s see what your laid-back half-rapping half-singing brings us this time.

Tom: You know, that’s not quite a Eurobeat track, but it’s close – certainly the closest I’ve heard in mainstream music for a while, I think. I can see this, with minor differences – maybe a female vocalist – coming out of Germany a decade ago. I say that as a compliment – there’s a reason those styles still persist today.

Tim: A good time in music, was that. And speaking of which, I caught a bloke at work who’s normally all ‘hip-hop’s the one true way’ listening to Alice Deejay on his headphones the other day. Now I have leverage.

Tom: Interesting bridge, though; done entirely in the backing, with the pause and rising effect. Not sure it works, other than breaking up the song a bit; the ending does seem to just peter out after that.

Tim: I actually really like it – it’s more a variation on a theme than a standard bridge switch-out, and I think it works well.

Tom: It’d do well in the middle of a DJ set, this would.

Example – Last Ones Standing

Oh man. This could be so good.

Tom: Oh man. This could be so good. The first few seconds show such promise – that eighties orchestra-hit sample is ace. And there are so many good things here. The quiet ‘ooh, ooh’s in the background. The chorus, which I caught myself tapping my foot along to on first listen.

Tim: Ooh, I do like that – intro started good, and it kept on going. At about 2:40, I thought it was about to wrap up; I’m very glad that it didn’t, though, because the bit after that is even better than what came before.

Tom: Pity about his voice, really.

Tim: I don’t know, I think his voice is okay – he can handle both the verses and chorus well enough, and combined with the backing track I think it works great.

Tom: Don’t get me wrong – I’m not ruling it out just because it’s rap, or just because it’s a British guy. Example’s last one, Kickstarts, was excellent all the way through, and his voice was a perfect match for it – perhaps because the faster pace of the vocals seemed to fit, or because the background samples were just that bit fuller. But it just doesn’t work for me here.

Tim: I prefer it to Kickstarts because here both the verses and chorus are good, whereas the verses in that never did much for me. It did have a pretty cool video, though.

Tom: This video’s not bad either. Despite a few too many modern things in the background to really sell it as being retro, it still has a charm to it.

Tim: A few points about it, though:

  • why is he ordering drinks in a police interview room?
  • I hope the fighting is meant to be blindingly fake, because it is, although there’s enough doubt there for it to be mildly annoying
  • nice explosion
  • nice jumping, even if it isn’t necessarily the most efficient way to chase after someone

Tom: The phrase ‘Tesco Value Zach Braff’ is also running through my head. That’s a bit cruel though.

Tim: That is a little bit cruel, yes. And a little bit justified.