Tim: Cast your mind back six months, and we weren’t all that keen on I Love It, their last release. For a few reasons.
Tom: And just like last time, I’ve got to add a quick video warning here, for what the BBFC would describe as “occasional, brief nudity”.
Tim: This is in a similar vein to the first, but fortunately is absent of much of what we didn’t like.
Tom: Yep. This is actually a song, and an incredibly positive and unbeat to that as well.
Tim: There’s a much better melody, with less of the plain shouting. Yes, it’s still present, because that’s their style, but it’s in just the right quantity to get the idea across but not outstay their welcome. Most importantly of all, though, it’s got exactly the same enthusiasm for absolutely everything that was there before, and I think it’s brilliant.
Tom: Right. And for once that’s reflected in the video. I want to go back to Vegas. Preferably with them.