Tim: I pre-ordered this debut single about a month ago, probably after hearing it on the radio, and promptly forgot all about it; on Monday I woke up and found it had downloaded, and I listened to it again and remembered why I’d ordered it.
Tim: Basically, it’s lovely. They’re a Glasgow-based band, and (despite not being remotely guitar-based) placed at number 5 on the BBC Sound of 2013 poll. I do hope that this time it’s accurate, I really do, because this really should do well, in a just world.
I don’t really know what’s going on in the video.
Tom: Nope, neither do I – it’s always a brave move not to include the actual band in a video when they’re not well-established.
Tim: True, although I think that might be them in the TV screens at the end. Still obscure, though. But anyway, I don’t watch the video when I’m walking around with headphones on – I listen to the music. And that’s just brilliant.
Tom: I felt almost breathless during some of those verses: there’s an intensity in the pacing of those lyrics, an odd pattern of pauses that don’t fit into traditional “lines” of lyrics.
Tim: Yes, and I reckon that disjointed vocal is a stroke of genius, as it works on two levels – firstly on its own to convey the relationship issues that are being sung about, but also with that synth backing, as it gives it the extra prominence it really deserves.
Tom: I’m not sure I have the same reaction to the music as you: I get restless listening to it, and I’m not sure it’s altogether an enjoyable experience. It is a good track, though.
Tim: This is a fantastically put-together song, and I can only hope for more like it.