Tim: The first act up on Germany’s Unser Song Für Malmö, and the one that made me immediately realise I’d made the right choice by shirking off Valentine’s Day to watch it.
Tim: When I first heard the song, and started writing this, I though it was a lovely track. Charming, happy, backed up by lots of colours and hippies beating on barrels. Then I listened to the lyrics, and realised it’s one of the most topical and politically charged Eurovision songs since We Don’t Wanna Put In, and at times actually quite sinister.
Tom: Now, that’s a big claim – it’s a lot less charged than ‘Put In’ was, being more of the generic 60s-free-love let’s-all-be-happy type rather than calling for active political movement. But yes, it’s not really the charming, meaningless pop it’s made to look like.
Tim: Free-love, let’s-all-be-happy? Check out the look in his eyes with that first close up. At first I took to be happiness, but then the lyrics make it all a bit dodgier: he’s singing “I read the signs, 99%, in the blink of an eye the money’s all spent.” His mouth is smiling, but his eyes are saying “look at this sparkly glint, you rich bastard, you think I’m happy singing but I’m actually enjoying imagining the moment when I march into your office and rip your bollocks right off”.
Then, a few seconds later, there’s that exact same look when he’s singing “waiting, waiting…a new day is dawning, we are the change”, and I’ve realised that that sentence I just wrote as a joke is pretty much exactly what’s on his mind.
Tom: Oh good, I’m glad it’s not just me that read his expression as being somewhat sinister.
Tim: In a way, it’s a shame he sung this in English; if it were in German I could imagine it getting traction over the two weeks it was played on the radio and end up higher placed, maybe even actually winning. As it is, it only came 9th out of 12; at least, THAT’S WHAT WE’RE TOLD. We’re meant TO BELIEVE THAT. We’re told by THE ESTABLISHMENT, who clearly DON’T WANT THE TRUTH HEARD. VIVA LA REVOLUCION! (or whatever the German for that is.)
Tom: Well, that’s us on the Illuminati’s watch list.