Tom: Union J’s motto should basically be “move over, One Direction”. Not in the sense that they’re any better, just because they’ll desperately want 1D to fade from the limelight so they’ve got a shot.
Tom: We’re getting the boy-band battles of the late 90s back, aren’t we? Westlife, Boyzone and Take That may have become groups for the mums, but that just meant all these upstarts came along. We might not have the dodgy sort-of-rap breakdowns any more, but all the trappings are there.
Tim: Hmm. And I’d often agree, and much as these guys are great, this debut single really isn’t what it should be. The verses are decent, and the middle eight’s got a bit of juice to it but the chorus just isn’t enough to, well, carry it. There’s three notes, and song can’t live on three notes.
Tom: This as a debut single? Man. They’re going darker than One Direction, for sure, and I just don’t think it works all that well. It’s well-produced, well-written, and well-sung; but this sounds more like an album track to me.