Tim: Quick heads up for you: if you find Icona Pop a little too brash and aggressive, you might not be a fan of this next track. But, I’m in the mood for brash, aggressive girl bands, and so this is what you’re getting.
Tom: I noticed that the album’s not out until the 1st September, and thought ‘crikey, that’s a long way away’. Six and a bit weeks. This year’s moving fast.
Tim: Let’s get the bad stuff out of the way: the stupid amount of random rubbish near the end of the video in very irritating, the ‘rap’ bit in the middle is horrible and that ‘acting’ at the start is enough to make me want to move to Florida and claim that they were threatening me.
Tom: Crikey, Tim, too soon. Way too soon.
Tim: Ehh, maybe, but justified? Also maybe.
Tom: You’re right, the rap is awful — not Gazza awful, but pretty awful, and they’ve gone way too overboard on the “don’t let people nick this from YouTube” button.
Tim: It’s very loud, not even particularly musical and most days I’d probably hate this and I wouldn’t blame anybody for switching off after thirty seconds. But like I said, I’m in the mood for loud stuff right now and this satisfies that mood, which I suppose means I’m in a perfectly good position to judge this for what it’s probably meant to be, and for that I like it.
Tom: The thing is, Icona Pop’s big track is like this, but positive: more harmony and more happiness, despite the crashing cars. It’s pleasant to listen to, while this… this just isn’t.
Tim: It’s worth noting that this is absolutely, massively, completely not what The Saturdays, Little Mix or MKS are doing right now, so presumably they’re hoping there’s a gap in the market for this. Is there? I have no idea. All I know is that tomorrow I’ll probably be amazed I wrote anything positive about this track.
Tom: I’m pretty amazed right now.
Tim: Right. Passage of time, twelve hours later, three thoughts: what a racket, you’re probably right about it being too soon, and wow, what a racket.