Tim: Somehow, we managed to review All Eyes On You, a track of St. Lucia’s from a couple of years back, twice, and both times, we gave it a near-unqualified four thumbs up.
Tom: That’s embarrassing. Still, with over 900 tracks in our archives now, that’s bound to happen sometime. It does suggest, though, that while the track is good it may not be all that memorable.
Tim: Well, the two times were twelve months apart, but anyway. Here’s a new one.
Tim: So how’s that for you? Because for me, once again it hits pretty much all the spots.
Tom: It does, but it occurs to me that I can’t actually recall much of it, even after listening twice in a row.
Tim: We have a quietly building ten second intro, then the production hits properly and pretty much lets us know what we’re in for.
Tom: It’s vaguely pleasant — and those synths have a distinctly 80s vibe to them that works rather well.
Tim: Very enthusiastic production, which at times almost competes with the vocal to be the most important part of the song, especially after the middle eight (which is actually more of a middle sixteen, but let’s not get bogged down in technical details), when there’s no semblance of it stepping out of the way to make room for the singing – just bring it on, and lets see which of us people like more.
To be honest, I don’t think it matters – they’re both damn good, and I’m happy to listen to all five minutes of this. As long as I’m not in a hurry.