Gabrielle – #SitterHer

“I don’t think anyone likes hashtags in song titles.”

Tim: I’ll be honest: I don’t think anyone likes hashtags in song titles except marketing suits (and perhaps Oscar Zia, who took a strange amount of pleasure singing them). Still, they seem to be a thing now, so let’s try not to let it get #InTheWay.

Tom: I don’t like the way this is going.

Tim: So, #SitterHer is a nice song. The title translates to #SittingHere, and I think that fits with the song very well.

Tom: Stop it.

Tim: Stop what? This is a #JauntyNumber – gives a nice #Impression of sitting around, #EnjoyingYourself, not worrying about anything really. Singing a little bit, with a #SmileOnYourFace, maybe even swaying gently #FromSideToSide.

Tom: Just stop it.

Tim: Seriously, stop what? Lyrics, well, I have #NoIdea what they’re about as I #DontSpeakNorwegian, but I’m #StrugglingToImagine that they’re particularly negative. All in all, #Listening to this song is a really #RatherEnjoyable #Experience. Though actually, #NotAsEnjoyable as I’ve found #WritingAboutIt. #AnythingToAdd?

Tom: There should be a way to punch people in the face through the internet.