Tim: Last time we met Jenni was a little over two years ago, and we were very impressed. Since then, there’s been nothing until this, just out as the lead single from her upcoming third album.
Tim: And what a comeback track that is, and something that Gaga could really take lessons from.
Tom: Oh, you’re so right. There’s so much going on, and all of it’s good.
Tim: Strings and drums all over the place, very much demanding of attention, rather than a song that could easily come from a five year old album. A smoke-filled atmospheric video on mountains and in caves, rather than some crappy backstage footage-laced lyric one.
Tom: To be fair, there’s a proper, suitably arty Gaga video out now – but that doesn’t change the comparison about the track. Crikey, change the lyrics to English, add a bit of electric guitar and you’ve got yourself something close to a Gaga track here.
Tim: This is what happens if an artist relies on the music to get attention, rather than a dramatic outburst on Twitter, and it’s vastly better for it. It’s brilliant.