Cars & Calories – Runner Up

If this doesn’t lift you out of your ‘funk’ I don’t know what will.

Tim: Monday was a sort of rock/electropop blend that you weren’t keen on, despite that chorus. This from a new Norwegian group is similar, but more so, and if this doesn’t lift you out of your ‘funk’ I don’t know what will.

Tom: Oh, that’ll do nicely.

Tim: The duo apparently grew up on rock and punk music, and now want to do their own variant and, according to one interview, ‘expand the horizons of commercial pop music’, which I think is an entirely noble quest, because this is just wonderful.

Tom: I was all ready to be disappointed in it until that wall of sound hit — possibly needs a bit less compression on it, but hell, I’m not going to complain.

Tim: Lovely intro, Donkeyboy-esque vocals, good verses building up to that blinder of a chorus.

Tom: Let’s not forget that middle eight: he’s got the vocal skills to make it work unaccompanied. That’s not to be sniffed at either.

Tim: Oh, absolutely. Lyrics are good as well: they’re of the “are you sure he’s just your friend?” variety, but in a nice way that doesn’t get angry about it, but just keeps singing instead with more a sense of desperation and giving up. Not exactly alpha male stuff, but then again if you’ve got that chorus and everything else going for you you shouldn’t need to be begging. She’s a fool.