Tom: To the “EXTREME”? I’ll warn you, Tim: if that’s the chorus hook I’m going to have issues with this.
Tim: We’ve written about Cars & Calories before, and had generally very positive things to say about them; you’ll be please to know that I don’t think this’ll change that much.
Tim: Bad bit out of the way: the first verse, with not much to focus on except the auto-tuned voice, which I find incredibly 2009 and rather unpleasant.
Tom: Yep, I pretty much tuned out for that. It’s monotonous, and not a good way — it picks up a bit on the pre-chorus, I’ll give it that.
Tim: Right — 45 seconds in, other stuff happens and that’s all forgotten. The melody picks up, the instruments kick in properly, and then a bit later that chorus melody hits properly and blimey is it something of an earworm. A good earworm, and overall a good track.
Tom: Oh, and that’s where we disagree. The combination of inane lyrics and autotune just grates really badly for me. And that’s a shame, because you’re absolutely right: overall, it’s a really good track. It just has very specific parts I dislike.
Tim: I’d like an album next, I think. That’d do me well.