Tim: I’ve no idea why, but this 2007 track has been getting a bit of airplay on Radio 1 recently; I can’t find any reference to a re-release or new marketing, but anyway, let’s have a listen because it’s good.
Tim: Yep. Good. As mentioned on Monday, I’m a bit of sucker for a rock track with a big drawn-out chorus hook, and this fits that nicely.
Tom: Ha. Now, you say that, but I don’t like this nearly as much as Monday’s track — which you didn’t think much of. I reckon the hook, and the verses, and both a bit dull. It’s generic pop-rock, and while there’s nothing wrong with it, there’s nothing really right with it either.
Tim: You think? Well, please yourself. We’ve mentioned this band before, back when they had a new track out last year, and if this is the start of a new push I do hope it succeeds. I doubt it is, if for no other reason than that the line-up’s changed since then, but anyway. Still worth a listen.