Tom: Remember Meja?
Tim: Erm…
Tom: No, I didn’t think you would. I’ll bet you remember “All ‘Bout The Money”, though.
Tim: YES. “I don’t need your money, money money, not about the money, money—” wait, that’s Jessie J. Erm, still no. But let’s pretend I do.
Tom: Well, fifteen years — and a lot of albums and singles that haven’t troubled the British charts — later, this the new single.
Tom: And I think we can safely say that she’ll, sadly, be remaining a one-hit wonder over in these parts for a while. There’s nothing wrong with the track: it’s nice, calm, folky pop, but it’s going to stay in the background.
Tim: Yes – if I were to compare to someone ‘big’, I’d say Emmelie de Forest, except that Meja doesn’t have a Eurovision victory to bounce off. Nothing wrong, but it’s not the most fashionable stuff anywhere right now, so probably not destined for hugeness.
Tom: But my word, she can definitely sing live: that rise into the last chorus is wonderful. Her fans will no doubt love it, and if acoustics-and-vocals is your kind of thing then this will go down very well indeed.
Tim: Oh, absolutely. Lovely final chorus, but nothing that’ll get airplay. Of course, one could argue (or rather hope) that we’re now in a time where radio stations don’t dictate what’s successful, but, well, for the time being hope is all we can go for.