Midnight Boy – When You’re Strange

“Warning: full-frontal nudity ahead.”

Tim: Warning: full-frontal nudity on the streets of Stockholm ahead, of a very distracting nature. So have a listen, but if you’re in a public place, or of a slightly nervous disposition, you’ll want to be switching to another tab by 2:55.

Tom: It’s not a cover of the Doors, is it? I’m going to be properly disappointed if it’s not.

Tom: Oh. Well, I guess I was going to be disappointed either way.

Tim: So, yeah, that’s that. And despite the ridiculous video, which I’m buggered if I can understand the point of, aside from showing that Swedes are really very good at ignoring things they don’t want to see, it’s a very good number.

Tom: It is, but what a — forgive my phrasing — half-arsed video. Apparently shot on the wobbliest, dodigest camera available and fixed badly in post; and he’s not even bothering to sing the song. As for the music…

Tim: Sort of electro-rock, really, and performed to exactly the standard we like to hear. Melodic, vibrant, an appropriate vocal sound and a fair ‘throw everything in and see what doesn’t bounce out again’ production method. I like this a lot. As long as I don’t have to watch the video, anyway.