Ida LaFontaine – YOLO

“That Title is a big thing to get past.”

Tom: Really?

Tim: Yes, I know. But have a listen anyway.

Tim: So despite That Title, it’s a pretty good track.

Tom: Agreed, but That Title is a big thing to get past.

Tim: Well, fair play to them, they’ve resisted outright saying it a lot more than they could have – yes, the middle eight is full of it, to an horrific extent, but all the rest is somewhat tame. After all, the ONCE shout at the end of the chorus could easily be replaced by a YO, with the first (and probably many more) of the following ‘oh’s replaced by a LO. So I suppose well done to whoever had the final say there.

Tom: Mmf. If I tune out the lyrics and just let it sit in the background, I guess I can’t deny that it’s a pretty good track.

Tim: Pretty great, in fact; whatever your thoughts are to the particular ‘word’ it’s a decent piece of pop. Big chorus, big verses, a decent voice – the only problem is that middle eight which is basically just shoutiness. So basically the song is fine except for that middle eight. Oh well.

Tim: Cannot deny: that is true.