Saturday Flashback: Mohamed Ali – Unbreakable

“A not-quite-as-amazing Amazing.”

Tom: I realise that this comes from someone with one of the most generic names possible, but: Mohamed Ali? Really?

Tim: ‘Fraid so. But, remember Niko, whose entry to Latvia’s Eurovision selection contest Here I Am Again was very similar to a Swedish contestant from the year before? Well I heard this recently, which was Denmark’s runner-up last year. Before you listen to it, though, remind yourself of Danny Saucedo’s amazing Amazing, from Melodifestivalen 2012.

Tim: This is, basically, a not-quite-as-amazing Amazing.

Tom: I thought, initially, that you meant it’d be the same song — and it’s not, but I see where the comparison comes from.

Tim: Right – the above comparison is a little unfair, because the melody is its own, but still: male vocalist, toned-down piano, strings and drum instrumentation behind the verses, a hopefully anthemic line to a suddenly EDM chorus, and genre-shifting breakdown with fancy staging. Hell, even the monochrome outfits pretty much match.

Tom: Yep, you’re right there. It’s certainly a different song, but drawn along the same lines.

Tim: I said not quite as amazing, because it isn’t: partly because it’s missing the incredible clothing lights (though I suppose the flames sort of make up for it) but what’s it’s really missing is the big “oh-oh-ohhhh” line that the other had.

Tom: It’s missing a Big Anthemic Moment. Which is a shame.

Tim: On its own, it’s not a bad song; it’s just, well, when it struck me, I can’t avoid that comparison, which, yeah, is a shame.