Tim: This is off the soundtrack for a new Swedish film, and it’s bloody brilliant.
Tom: Brass section! There’s a brass section!
Tim: There’s a BIG brass section, and it’s all HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY. It’s big, it’s full-on brass bandy, it’s JOYOUS. On my first hearing, I did think the first chorus, especially the first part, sounded a bit off – she’s shouting ecstatically at the top of her voice, but the backing isn’t quite there enough to match it.
Tom: Really? Because…
Tim: Well, yes, on hearing it again, I’m wondering how I could have thought that because of course it is, but anyway.
Tom: Right. The Björk-like vocals could be incredibly grating, but somehow they’re not; they’re a perfect match for the song and instrumentation.
Tim: The rest of it just keeps building up and up; by the time the second chorus arrives we’re right in the swing of things and nothing could be ever possibly of being too quiet. The middle eight gives exactly that sense – a feeling of being swept along, moving forward, just CAN’T STOP THE MUSIC and when we get to that triumphant climax there’s literally nothing I can think of that would improve this song. As the song is, it’s perfect.