Saturday Flashback: The Killers – Human

“More than makes up for last week’s awful ukelele.”

Tim: Last Saturday I moaned about a track on the work playlist that made me grumpy. This week, let’s have a track from it that everybody can entirely agree is fully brilliant.

Tom: Oh, man, I have so many good memories of this song.

Tim: Because for all that I love europop and key changes and that – man, this is just wonderful. So what if the chorus doesn’t make much sense? And so what if it probably doesn’t need those last couple of chorus lines at the end? Because just everything else.

Tom: It’s difficult for me to give any kind of unbiased view of this track, because I have so much associated with it. But what stands out for me is that… you know, I don’t have the musical knowledge to explain what it is, but whatever key change happens during that middle eight. That. More of that, please.

Tim: The melody and the instruments, the earnest singing, the everything – it’s just fantastic, and more than makes up for last week’s awful ukelele.