5 Seconds of Summer – Amnesia

“They are totally a boy band, though.”

Tim: It’s time for the necessary boyband (yeah, they’re not a boyband, whatever) ballad to proved they’re flexible and can do any sort of music.

Tom: They are totally a boy band, though.

Tim: There’s possibly an interesting discussion on what makes a boyband – their album, for example, contains tracks on a level with Blink-182’s style (who were also late teens when they started), yet you’d never describe them as like that. This track, though: totally boyband ballad.

So it’ll be crap, right?

Tim: Well, actually, not at all. It’s a bloody great track.

Tom: I wasn’t convinced until the chorus kicked in. I think it’s fairer to say that it’s a bloody great chorus — seriously, that’s a fantastic chorus — with a decent track around it.

Tim: The strings on the chorus stand out as being particularly glorious, as does Luke’s vocal – he’s clearly stretching the limits there in the chorus, but that simply comes across as very earnest, which is to be applauded, if only for the health risks.

Tom: It’ll be interesting to see whether that can be done live.

Tim: Two minor nitpicks: the video, while fun, doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the song, and the lyric “the way you tasted” is a little bit icky.

Tom: Fair point on the second, but if you’re talking about a video about a guy who’s lost someone: well, yeah, that seems about right to me.

Tim: Perhaps, and possibly it’s just because all four of them are involved, but there don’t seem to be nearly as many “look at me I’m all alone” shots as there should be.

Tom: And if you’re talking about lyrics: “the pictures that you sent me, they’re still living in my phone”. That is creepy on MANY levels.

Tim: Unless it’s just an iMessage thread that’s just a vast number of brilliant GIFs. Then it’s wonderful.

And finally, purely because they’re throwing them around in the car in the video: I bought some Froot Loops a while ago because I remember them being amazing. They weren’t. I was upset.

Tom: That’s it. From now on, we’re a cereal review blog.

Tim: Coming up tomorrow: Lucky Charms, and how I didn’t get anywhere near as lucky as I’d been promised.