Tom: “Bros of Lash”. Bloody hell. I hope that means something different in Swedish, because that sounds like the worst college night out in history.
Tim: Ha, just imagine the bants going on with those lads. But yes, it does – more on that later, along with Rabih Jaber: a Lebanese/Swedish singer. First, though, this track.
Tim: FIRE in the video, which I got so engrossed in watching that the first time I played it the song was pretty much over by the time it had started, which was a shame, because it’s both a brilliant song and a brilliant video, and I’d happily go for another round of the verse/chorus beat.
Tom: I discovered you can sing a lot of other songs over the top of that verse. “Timber”. That 5SOS song from yesterday. That chord progression makes the verse about as generic as it can be, although that’s not necessarily a bad thing when it’s produced this well.
Tim: The lyrics tell of a man who just wants to experience life, which is entirely right, and the music provides the backing for him to do exactly that, with as much fire and excitement as is appropriate; i.e. ALL OF IT. You may be wondering if there’s some sort of symbolism to be had in the burning Eye of Providence; I felt there might be, but was buggered if I could guess what it was, so I e-mailed to ask, and was told that it “doesn’t symbolise anything or does it? ;)” So that clears that up then.
Tom: Hard hitting RESEARCH there, Tim, well done.
Tim: Oh, thank you very much. Further research brought forth details of the name you were wondering about: I’m told that two of the three Swedes that comprise the act are brothers whose surname is Fransson, and Frans is Swedish for eyelash, hence, suggested by a friend, Bros of Lash.
Tom: Oh, that’s a relief. Still, there are some connotations there, for certain.
Tim: As for Rabih, he has quite the TV contest pedigree: finalist of The Voice: Ahla Sawt 2014 (i.e. Arab World), 7th placed in Swedish Idol 2009 and contestant of Sweden’s Let’s Dance 2010. Also, previously featured on these pages, as part of a double act.
Information dump over, THIS TRACK IS LOVELY.