Tim: “Good girls are bad girls who haven’t been caught” is the lesson we’re meant to take from this.
Tom: Well, that just seems patronising. A bit like their last song.
Tim: Well, have a listen and see if you agree.
Tom: Was that an Amazing Horse reference in that irritatingly-long introduction? I mean, I don’t really care, I skipped past it after that, but even so.
Tim: So, we could look at this as a sort of anti-entablishment anthem, with the very words the head of the dictatorship used right back at him to inspire rebellion. Or, we could jump around and party. Rebel. Party. Whichever suits you.
Tom: Can I go with complain instead?
Tim: If you like.
Tom: About the message, about the godawful interjections in the background, about the middle eight that’s actually just the same chorus but with less instruments? About the video that would have been a bit embarrassing for Busted in their heyday?
Tim: Valid criticisms, I suppose, but I quite like it, at least enough to Shazam it twice in two days when it came on Westfield’s music systems, so I’m happy. And, worth noting, taking them further away from boyband territory, which may help their fans claim some credibility, however meaningless a concept that may be.