Alex Alexander – She’s A Dynamite

“If McBusted had used this as their debut, I’d have been significantly more enthusiastic”

Tim: Yes, a dynamite. Problem?

Tom: We’ve seen much worse.

Tom: “With a smile that could break off a tree,” for example. I’m fairly sure that’s what he sung.

Tim: Does sound like that, yes. Alex is a Swedish model who wants to have a go at singing, and he’s not done a terrible job of it.

Tom: Well, now it looks like this is one of those rare occasions where I’m much more enthusiastic about a song than you are. What’re you thinking?

Tim: Well, it’s a tad generic, a bit nothing special, and the verse has next to no melody in it. But it’s a decent listen nonetheless, and certainly showing potential for future releases.

Tom: I’d put it a few notches higher than that. In fact, I’d say that if McBusted had used this as their debut single, I’d have been significantly more enthusiastic than I was about Air Guitar. Seriously: as that kind of pop-rock goes, it’s brilliant: yes, sure, it’s just ticking the boxes, but it’s ticking them extremely well.

Tim: Not much more to say, really, except that, much as I don’t want to be the one to play the picky grammar card, I really wouldn’t mind if he’d changed that chorus line to “she is dynamite”.

Tom: And that video’s bloody awful: if you’re going to perform on a big stage and shoot with what looks like a GoPro, at least get an audience in.

Tim: Otherwise, fine.